I have some new songs that I’m excited to share, but my voice has been shot for a few weeks thanks to a lousy cold. I’m on the mend, and hope to post some new stuff very soon. In the meantime I thought I’d share an older tune …
This very short song took a very long time to write. I had the chorus right away — it came together very quickly one day in 2018 or so — but I could never figure out how the verses ought to go. For a long time I tried to narrate this (imagined) person’s life in a series of historical scenes and situations that she might have experienced, but for whatever reason that version of the song never came out quite right. After a few years of these failed attempts to adequately narrate Rosetta’s life I ended up shifting gears and trying to just write about her absence. That approach felt better to me in the end. Anyway, thanks so much — as always — for listening.
“Rosetta’s Gone”
We loaded up the last of it the microwave and the TV set stacked the plates and cups and all for the ladies at the union hall wiped the counters, swept the floors took her name down off the door checked the lights in every room lingering the last time through Rosetta's gone say one more hallelujah play one more country song sing her home Rosetta's gone At the window looking back down the years from where she sat square shoulders, straight spine steady hand holding mine "don't tremble, don't shake don't hide your eyes when you hear your name cross your heart, hope to die don't ever cross no picket line" Rosetta's gone say one more hallelujah play one more country song sing her home Rosetta's gone